May 9th, 2016: Day 2, Monday

Waking up at 7 am was difficult, but I managed. The breakfast however was so much better than the breakfasts in American hotels. The bread was amazing, the yogurt was great, and they also had cold cuts and really good juice. I’m getting hungry just thinking about it. After breakfast we went to the University of Augsburg, which I though was small but supposed to have 20,000 kids attending. I liked it, but not as much as Pitt. We had a brief lecture going over some course requirements and then we had an hour to prepare an introductory presentation about our company, and since my company is KUKA, I learned a lot about what they do. I’ll learn more on Wednesday with the site visit. After we went to the cafeteria for the University (so Augsburg’s “market”) and it was so much nicer, and cheaper too. Not all you can eat, but the food seemed healthier and tasted better. After that was a tour of the university, which made the campus seem larger than before and larger than what the map looked like. We then had a scavenger hunt that took us all over the city of Augsburg, which gave me really nice pictures. I loved the bell tower, even though the 260 stairs wasn’t easy being as I was still tired. At least for the first two days, the weather was fantastic. 70’s and sunny, with no rain. I believe the weather is supposed to get worse at some point however. There was a bunch of questions about the city and we had to take pictures of many things for the scavenger hunt, even though my group came in last (we didn’t mind). Dinner was at an Italian restaurant, where if you knew German or Italian you were fine, too bad I didn’t know either. I had lasagna which was very similar to what I’m used to yet was still fantastic. After dinner we went to a few places to hangout and met a few other people, and ended the night a little later than the night before. Getting up at 7 am again is going to be rough.

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